Chiropractic Keeps You Active

Chiropractic Keeps You Active

Chiropractic adjustments restore normal joint motion to align the body and balance posture not only for pain relief but also for keeping you active with optimal performance. J of AMA  Chiropractic & Posture Chiropractors are mechanics for your body. Adjustments...
Freecycle It – A generous way to go green

Freecycle It – A generous way to go green

The internet is giving new life to old junk by helping people give it away to those who want to reuse it. Freecycling is a growing movement making it easy to clean out the garage without filling up a dumpster. List your stuff on the internet and neighbors you...
Be Well – Regular exercise boosts immunity

Be Well – Regular exercise boosts immunity

During moderate exercise immune cells circulate through the body more quickly and are better able to kill bacteria and viruses. After exercise ends, the immune system generally returns to normal within a few hours, but it is believed that with regular, consistent...
Eat Less by Eating Slower

Eat Less by Eating Slower

It takes about 20 minutes after eating for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full. But most of us finish a meal in 10 minutes. Give your stomach time to catch up to your brain by slowing down your eating. After putting food in your mouth, put your fork down...
Warm Up to avoid injury when you work out

Warm Up to avoid injury when you work out

New research suggests that those who warm up are nine times less likely to be injured. A. Fradkin, Bloomsburg Univ of PA  Experts advise starting your warm-up with a jog at 40% of your maximum heart rate (a very easy pace) and progressing to about 60%. Limit the...

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