by Posture Team | Jul 22, 2020 | Exercise, Press
Did you do your posture exercises today? Posture Strengthening Exercise When you exercise with poor posture you train your body to stand and move poorly, worse.. you strengthen poor posture adaptations. Yoga, Tai-Chi and Pilates can help, but in order to correct...
by Posture Team | Jul 20, 2020 | Back Pain, Press
It’s not uncommon for people to ask us about exercises to avoid back surgery. If you’ve been dealing with back pain for a long time, it’s probably a question you have. You may not realize it, but your posture can reveal a lot about your habits and...
by Posture Team | Jul 17, 2020 | Anti Aging, Press
Many people don’t take poor posture seriously – but they should. In this interview, Dr. Steven Weiniger explains how posture is defined by balance, alignment, and motion, which affects how you age as well as your overall health. “To the general...
by Posture Team | Jul 15, 2020 | Anti Aging, Press
Are there ways to impact how to live longer? Researchers believe that posture is an indicator of how well you will age. In fact, it’s also an indicator of how long you will live. This is such a hot topic that the Sun Sentinel interviewed Dr. Steven Weiniger on...
by Posture Team | Jul 13, 2020 | Exercise, Press
Is poor posture harming your health? Poor posture has been linked to inefficient breathing, decreased strength, and falls. Resident posture specialist Dr. Weiniger reveals the secrets of good posture. In addition, he tells us how you can improve your posture through...
by Posture Team | Jul 12, 2020 | Life Habits, Press
Good posture is the secret to looking good and staying healthy. Tips for getting started on improving posture! FEET FIRST: Place your feet parallel, about hip width apart. They shouldn’t be turned out. Bringing your feet parallel keeps your hips, knees and...