by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Chiropractic & Anti-Aging Elderly chiropractic users were less likely to have been hospitalized, less likely to have used a nursing home, more likely to report a better health status. They were more likely to exercise vigorously, and more likely to be mobile in...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Walk to move, feel and be well Walking for 30 minutes, five or more days a week, either moderately or briskly, improves cardio respiratory fitness. Framingham Heart Study per AP You have to keep moving as you age, to keep moving well as you age. Dr. Steven Weiniger,...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Exercise for Active Aging The fastest growing segment of health club members are 55 years of age and older. Over 8.5 million in 2006, up from 1.5 million 20 years ago. 10,000 competitors will participate in the Huntsman World Senior Games. WSJ Use it to Keep it. Stay...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Smile. Seriously I want you to smile. In psychology, there is a theory entitled the “facial feedback” hypothesis. This hypothesis states that involuntary facial movements provide sufficient peripheral information to drive emotional experience. Bernstein,...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
I’ll wait here while you march in place. Marching in place does double work when it comes to exercising. First, there are cardio-vascular benefits to the physical movement. Second, marching in place, especially when lifting your knees to level with your waist,...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Chiropractic: At the heart of a well adjusted life Chiropractic manipulation along with exercise therapy significantly increases respiratory function of normal individuals. Engel RM, Vemulpad S. Journal of Manipulative and Physio Ther. Can neck pain affect blood...