by Posture Team | Oct 12, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Neck Pain and Poor Posture Neck pain and posture are linked. Neck pain often increases or decreases as your body position changes, and when this is the case posture habits as well as overly tight and overly weak muscles are probably impacting the problem. “A chain in...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Chiropractic & Anti-Aging Elderly chiropractic users were less likely to have been hospitalized, less likely to have used a nursing home, more likely to report a better health status. They were more likely to exercise vigorously, and more likely to be mobile in...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Blog, Life Habits
Chiropractic: At the heart of a well adjusted life Chiropractic manipulation along with exercise therapy significantly increases respiratory function of normal individuals. Engel RM, Vemulpad S. Journal of Manipulative and Physio Ther. Can neck pain affect blood...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Back Pain, Blog
Drug-free treatment for back pain: Chiropractic Adjustments When self-care options do not result in improvement, clinicians should consider adding non-pharmacologic modalities shown to be of benefit. For acute low back pain, the only modality in this category is...
by Posture Team | Mar 2, 2019 | Back Pain, Blog
Chiropractic – Free to move without pain A three year review of scientific literature to see what works best for back pain found strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of low-tech, noninvasive regimens including spinal manipulation from a chiropractor and...