Chiropractic adjustments restore normal joint motion to align the body and balance posture not only for pain relief but also for keeping you active with optimal performance. J of AMA
Chiropractic & Posture
Chiropractors are mechanics for your body. Adjustments align the spine and other joints for stronger posture and symmetry, reducing uneven mechanical stress. Restricted joints are unlocked to restore full-range motion resulting in less joint wear and tear, and more energy to stand tall and enjoy life! Steven Weiniger, DC Posture BioMechanics for Anti-Aging
7 Steps to StrongPosture®
7 Steps to StrongPosture® is divided into 7 steps, one for each week. Each week you'll receive access to new videos, exercises, and info on how you can strengthen how you stand, sit and move.
Each lesson takes you through the various steps of th…
Dr. Steven Weiniger